  witch school

In-Person Courses

Live in Perth Western Australia and interested in learning about witchcraft?

HEKA Witch School, may be for you.

Our face to face courses, and workshops are based on the tradition of the Circle of Heka Coven and other Traditional Witchcraft teachings. Jam packed full of information and hands on training, designed to help you build an effective witchcraft practice, by gaining a better understanding of the world of magik, yourself and your own spiritual nature.

Facilitated by Lady Amaris and the Circle of Heka Coven.

Current Available Courses

Practical Magick – Mastering the basics of Spell Craft

Way of the Witch – Foundations of Witchcraft

Course information and payment is done through HEKA Arcane Apotheca. Click the link below to take you there.

Online Courses

Some of our  classes, courses and workshops are moving online. This makes it easy for you to learn at your own pace, and in the comfort of your own home, no matter where you live in the world.

We are in the middle of converting existing  lesson material into a comprehensive online format. Our online school is almost ready for enrollments.

Keep an eye out, first classes ready towards the end of 2024.