
The directions or quarters of the magick circle are different for different traditions. The below information is more of a generic collection of the directions information. This can be used to give you a starting point to develop your own way of doing things.


Direction – East

Elemental – Sylphides

Colour – gold,

Time of day – Dawn

Sound – He

Mineral – Yellow Sulphur

Season – Spring

Weather – dry and windy

Universe – stars

Animal – Hawk, Eagle Sweet

Medicine – Winged Ones

Phase – seed

Time – future

Law – cosmic

Human – man

Body part – mind

Centre – spirit

Expression – enthusiasm

Negative emotion – anger

Psychological – intuition

Gift – vision

Attributes – clarity

Lifecycle – rebirth

Being – fantasy ways of knowing – clairvoyance

Role – poet and artist

Power – illumination and enlightenment

Experience – mental

Mind – conscious mind lower – self, ego-self warrior

Aspects – responsibility of harmony

Enemies – pride

Challenges – anxiety and hysteria

Goddesses – Spider Women, Isis

God – Osiris, Zeus, Odin

Teacher – Merlin

Lord – Euras

Archangel – Raphiel

Meaning – protection

Medicine object – pipe

Tool – Wand, Staff, Bolline

Love – other love

Way to be – To Knowl

Yoga – Karma Yoga

Winds – breeze

To live well – speak Truth, Spirit Tongue

Higher Purpose – Healer

Meditation – walking

Instrument – bell and fan

Healing salve – singing for your life

Way – authentic knowing

Right actions – tell truth with no blame or judgement.


Direction – South

Elemental – Salamanders

Colour – red

Time of day – noon

Sound – Ha

Mineral – rose quartz, red coral

Season – summer

Weather – sunny, hot and drought

Universe – sacred plants (animals)

Animal – mouse, coyote

Medicine – crawlers

Phase – beginning

Time – present

Law – natural

Human – child

Bodypart – heart/solar plexus

Centre – heart

Expression – trust

Negative emotions – fear

Psychological – feeling

Gift – innocence and trust

Attributes – love

Lifecycle – birth

Being – emotional

Way of knowing – feeling, touch, hearing

Role – musician, ceremonialist

Power – trust, innocence

Experience – emotional

Enemy – fear

Mind – collective consciousness,


Warrior aspects – attitude of humility

Challenges – fear

Goddess – White Buffalo Woman, Sekhmet

Great meaning – nourishment

Medicine object – drum

Tool – the Athame, Sword

Love – erotic love

Way to be – To will

Yoga – Bhaki Yoga

Winds – hot wind

Gods – Hephastius, Bran, Thor

Lords – Notas

Archangel – Michael

To live well – pay attention to outcome

Higher purpose – visionary

Meditation – lying

Instrument – drum

Healing salve – story telling

Way – self consciousness, self healing

Right actions – forgiveness, renewal, and regeneration.


Direction – West

Elemental – Undines

Colour – white or black

Time of day – dusk

Sound – Hu

Mineral – turquoise, white crystal

Season – Autumn

Weather – fog

Universe – sweet

Animal – bear, owl, snake, raven

Medicine – swimmers

Phase – fruition

Time – out of time

Law – Majikal

Human – woman

Body part – womb/belly

Centre – soul

Expression – change

Negative emotion – depression

Psychological – sensate

Gift – introspection

Attributes – power, beliefs

Life cycle – death

Being – dreams

Way of knowing – inner voice, intuition

Experience – spiritual

Mind – subconscious, deep-mind, death mind

Warrior aspects – intent of honour enemies

Power challenge – depression

Goddesses – Beautiful Shell Woman, Changing Woman, Artemis, Freya, Isis

Lord – Zephyrus

Gods – Poseidon, Ea

Archangel – Gabriel

Great meaning – growth

Medicine object – Rattle

Tool – Chalice

Role – medicine Shaman

Power – introspection, intuition, Cauldron

Love – self love

Way to be – to dare

Yoga – Hatha

Yoga Winds – cold wind

To live well – not attached

High Purpose – Teacher

Meditation – sitting

Instrument – bones and sticks

Healing salve – honouring of Silence

Way – alright with the unknown

Right actions – breaking patterns, discernment.


Direction – North

Elemental – Gnomes and Faeries

Colour – black, russett

Time of day – Midnight

Sound – Ho

Mineral – smokey quartz

Season – Winter

Weather – thunder, lightning

Universe – planets, earth

Animal – buffalo, big horn sheep, goats

Medicine – four leggeds

Phase – give away

Time – past

Law – civil

Human – grandparents

Body part – genitals

Centre – logos

Expression – love of truth

Negative emotion – hysteria

Psychological – thinking

Gift – wisdom, knowledge

Attributes – wisdom

Life cycle – maturation

Being – intellect

Way of knowing – prophecy, precognition

Role – chief, teacher

Power – wisdom, logic

Experience – physical

Mind – superconscious, meditating self,

Warrior aspects – discipline of humour

Enemies – arrogance

Challenges – anger

Goddesses – Rattling Hail Women Who Holds up the Universe, Demeter, Cerridwen

Gods – Anubis, Pan, Bacchus

Lord – Boreaus

Archangel – Uriel

Great meaning – wholeness

Medicine object – talking stick or staff

Love – self love

Way to be – to keep silent

Yoga – Jhana

Yoga winds – hard wind

To live well – show up

Higher purpose – warrior

Meditation – standing

Instrument – rattle

Tool – Pentacle

Healing salve – dancing your life

Way – self totally present

Right actions – good modelling, walking your talk.